Global Politics
2 cases on positive COVID-19 pandemic, one Ugandans and Italian tested positive with COVID-19 forced Management to lock down 650 workers
By Nyeko Christopher
“I will locked the bus company that will be found carry people on the way, if we gets any new case of COVID-19 in Pader from to date. first Bus cost from Pader is UGX 70,000 even if the bus goes half empty people have already paid for the travel. bus Companies are cheating the passengers and it may be a source of infecting peoples.”
GULU-UGANDA: Pader Residence District Commissioner Ducman Okee in media briefing held Gulu confirmed Five cases of COVID-19 in pader district two cases were registered at Aswa Hydro Power Dam and three cases were registered from Acholi bur trading center.
Their contacts we got 50 people later we also discovered more than 250 as the secondary contact of the first five cases, Okee informed the media.
The RDC argues that the new cases of COVID-19 were picked and referred to Gulu Regional Referral Treatment Centre for medication while their contacts has been taken to quarantine centre at Kilak Technical Institute by surveillance committee.
“We had identified corner Kilak Technical Institute as our isolation center for covid-19 due to it centralized position, well infrastructural connection, availability of good network for communication and availability of water, explained Okee
Ducman Okee says though we have identified corner Kilak as quarantine center, but we are appealing to well-wisher , NGO and Donors, including Business community to provide the center with necessities to accommodate those who will be moved to isolation Centre for close monitoring by medics
Adding that since the COVID-19 breakdown the district have been lucky with no case of corona virus before, since the lock-down was declared on March 18, 2020 when the lock-down was put in place. But now we have confirmed 5 positive cases thus we are tightening the nut on transport system any buss company that will be found defying the directives set by the Ministry of Health in combating COVID-19 pandemic.
he added that passenger should be vigilant and constantly put on their mask and warned the politicians in Pader whoever may be found campaigning in the night shall be arrested and taken to quarantine for 14 days and subjected to mandatory test.
Pader RDC ask politicians instead of supplying them with Alcohol they should provides voters with masks while holding campaign.
“Why can’t they speak with few people 10 or 15, and provide them with good resources, the way I am speaking with few journalists.” Okee urged
Dr. Alex Layoo, the District Health Officer of Pader District confirmed that Pader received UGX 165 million, but it was spent on facilitation of the volunteers, fueling of the ambulance for sensitization campaign.
“we are now resorting to local Council 1 to register the names of the visitors who will be entering in to their villages and give daily phone call to the Local Councilor 2 of their parish for effective follow up” The D.H.O Layoo explained.
Dr. Layoo concluded that Pader is in the process of distributing hand washing facilities in all the 150 water sources to ensure frequent hand washing of the water fetchers. added that they will provide each of the Local Councilors homestead with water tanks and bars soaps for hand washing of the visitors as well as clients.
Dr. Alex advised head of the family members in Pader District to at least sell the crop product and buy the face mask for their family members to protect them from the high exposure to get contact with COVID-19 pandemic.